Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Get ready........ To Wiggle!

Originally posted on my previous blog: 25 February 2010

The best news ever!  Well it's the BEST NEWS EVER in our house for H bunny anyway.....  We heard through our mummy grapevine last night that the one, the only, THE WIGGLES are touring Australia through April and May.  Not only that, they are playing at a venue only 20 minutes from our house!  The excitement in our house is palpable.  The nerves are at fever pitch, the squeals of delight that Sam, Anthony, Muwway and Jeff will be playing all of our favourites and the practicing of all of the hot potato moves are peaking around here since we heard the news!  Of course, I'm not talking about how H is reacting to the news...  He's totally clueless his idols are on their way to town.  It's me, the nutty Mummy losing the plot in concert anticipation!

I simply cannot wait to have a morning of Mummy and bunny time with my delicious little boy and surprise him with his biggest heart's desire and take him to see not THE Wiggles but as he calls them, HIS Wiggles.  It's going to be so fantastic to share a couple of hours watching H's reaction when Muwway plays his guitar and when Jeff get's woken up by the noisy masses.  Well at least I hope it will be a huge success and a real opportunity to provide H with his own time filled with his own interests.  There's always that danger of sensory overload and with H that will show itself in the form of shut down and terrified shaking but if we stay at home and miss something as momentous as The Wiggles because of meltdown/shutdown risk then we would never go anywhere right?

So we will bravely buy tickets and excitedly make plans and show H a social story about going to a Wiggles concert and of course we'll practice many more of our moves and dance around our noisy lounge room to all of our favourite songs and I will very much look forward to our day out together.

I will NOT focus on the events of the past that make this event so bittersweet.  No I will not.  I will not obsess over the memory of buying front row tickets for J to sit in the coveted "Hot Potato section" at a similar age to see The Wiggles and then having to give them away to a friend and her son because it had become increasingly apparent that J would never cope with such a high energy and noisy environment. We were still unaware as to why he covered his ears, screamed and ran away in crowded situations so we made excuses to ourselves like, "Oh, Mummy is soooo pregnant (with the H bunny, 37 weeks) and it would be very uncomfortable to go and J does not know we have those tickets anyway..."  And so the excuses went on.  So anyway, when those memories creep in and send the mother guilt pangs straight to my always partially broken but also love stuffed and healing heart I will instead focus on how H will enjoy his day and not on yet more guilt that we will have to keep the day a secret from J who unfortunately would still not cope in such a highly sensory environment.  Whilst there is the risk of H becoming overloaded, the chances of him absconding, tantruming or screaming is slim so if it does become too much for H, I can quietly take him outside and allow him to regroup.  This would more than likely still not be an option for J.

So in an effort to NOT focus on all of the guilty pangs, I'll make more excuses to myself and remind my guilty little heart that, "the concert is on a preschool day for J anyway so he really isn't missing out..."

I'll remind myself it is really H who soooo love HIS Wiggles and he deserves some time to himself with Mummy and that normally we choose outings that J would cope with and show an interest in so it's only fair we choose one especially fit for H's capabilities and favourite things.  Right?

Good grief.......  Is this parenting thing EVER easy?

So whilst I'm definitely NOT focusing on any of the bitter I will certainly concentrate on only the sweet.  The sweet little boy I will be spending some wiggly time with and his sweet smile when he sees HIS beloved Cappen Feavesard (Captain Feathersword) and HIS Dowafy (Dorothy) and HIS Wags (Wags :-)) and HIS Henwy the Ocpussssssss (Henry the Octopus) and HIS WIGGLES!  That's the sweet I WILL focus on.

Sweet indeed.  I'll let you know how it goes and just how sweet it was after wards.

The images on this post are all pages from H's Story hand made with love by me
My Special Story Books for Special Kids

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