Saturday, April 14, 2012

Autism Gratitude Project 2012 Day 13

Autism Gratitude Project 2012 Day 13 - I am grateful for the life of personal truth ASD brings. I love how my boys live so honestly. There is no pretence, no rubbish and false niceties or people pleasing. They either like you or they don't. They either like things, activities, experiences and stuff or they don't. There is just no bullshit if I am to keep to their "real" no holds barred communication and approach to life. Often I'll ask them to do something because I think they should do it to "fit in" or for easier "social acceptance or appropriateness." I love that they answer with, "NO! I don't want to." Yes, it's frustrating sometimes but I kind of like how doing things because they "should" just doesn't even enter their minds and doing things because they WANT to is how they live first and foremost. Even a meltdown is sometimes their way of saying, "Um, no way lady, you have gotta be kidding if you think I'm wasting time with THAT request." It's just so bloody honest. We could all learn a lesson in that some days. I can't tell you how many times I've found myself doing something or being someone for others. I totally concede that pleasing one's self 100% of the time without regard for anyone else is not too practical for building relationships in the long run but jeez, isn't it just so refreshing sometimes to just say NO honestly and without apology! 

I'm grateful for the complete honesty of ASD.

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