Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Autism Gratitude Project Day 10

Autism Gratitude Project  Day 10 - I am grateful for the sense of humour I already had that has only increased over the last 4ish years.... I've really really needed it to see the funny side of things.

Right now, my lovely big boy J has a new special interest.  His special interest is in Jesus.  I am an agnostic and even lean towards being a fully fledged Atheist some days.  Last time I walked into a church, the roof started to collapse.  Serious.  It's a true story.  I walked in and parts of the roof fell down and I was only there for a weight watchers meeting!

Every single person I've told about J's new interest has laughed out loud for real.  Some have even snorted and I'm sure I saw snot fly out of one of my friend's noses during my tale of pinning up religious posters in the house to keep the holier than thou  lad happy (I'm more a shirtless Jon Bon Jovi poster kind of girl really).

Then there is the story of my son praying for me because I exclaimed in a very supportive manner that I thought his drawing of Jesus on the cross (pictured above) was "lovely" and he misunderstood to think I meant it was lovely poor Jesus was up there to begin with (I really don't think THAT'S lovely, I simply appreciate my son's artistic talent at the ripe old age of 6).

J has been especially "good" of late and behaviour is nothing short of Angelic for the most part.  I asked him why he was being such an especially good boy and his very studious answer was that he went to church at school and Jesus now helps him be good all of the time.

I definitely recall writing his religion as "NONE" on our school application to Aspect yet we find ourselves in the hearts and hands of the lovely folks in the Catholic Education Office as J's satellite Aspect class is in a host Catholic school (so the Easter week lead up was pretty full on for my Jesus loving lad).

As my son explained his thoughts to me about Jesus dying on the cross (which the bad guys bought from Bunnings apparently as they also did the nails that put him up there) and as I tried valiantly to answer with any form of authority, his questions about the crooks next to Jesus on their crosses perhaps being crooks from Lego City (I do think my answer of no, they were not the same crooks as the ones in Lego city was correct even with my limited Bible knowledge), I thought to myself.....  "This is some funny shit."  No really it is. 

Whether it is Karma, God getting me back for being so wicked in my early 20's (ok....  pretty much all my life) or whether it's just hilarious freaking irony that the staunch Atheist......  Ummmm yeah, I sugar coated it above...  It's not just some days I lean toward Atheism, I really am an Atheist. There, I said it.  I have immense respect for all religions I simply choose to subscribe to none.....  Don't judge me, I don't dig judgement at all.  I dig free choice and making informed or passionate decisions right for each individual including my son who seems to be making a different one to me and that folks, is HIS choice if I practice what I preach.  

So anyway, it is ironically funny that the Atheist has a very Holy child to answer to now in addition to several Christian friends, all praying for my conversion and a Catholic Mum (well at least Catholic at Christmas and definitely when she dies, as I've been instructed to get her a priest when that eventually happens) who laments where she went wrong with my religious instruction at least weekly.

Even I can see the funny side of this special interest and I'm grateful I am laughing because the thought of tackling the "big religious belief system" thing with a 6 year old Autie with VERY different ideas to his mother kind of makes me anxious between the giggles.

I'll be taking him to the library during the school holidays to borrow books about several different religions (Islam, Hindu, Aboriginal Dreamtime, Wican, Jehovah's Witness, Bon Jovi...  Oh shit, sorry, that's just mine)  so he does get a broader perspective on what's available to choose from but whatever he decides in the long run is HIS choice and I reserve the right to giggle ignorantly, foolishly or nervously and hang onto my wicked sense of humour through it all.

For free choice and a sense of humour to keep me laughing....  I'm grateful.  Peace be with YOU.

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