Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Autism Gratitude Project 2012 Day 9

Autism Gratitude Project 2012 Day 9 - I am grateful for "brotherly love." The lads often squabble like street fighters, wrestle as though they are in the pro league and compete in sibling rivalry over literally EVERYTHING. However they also share their toys with each other less than consistently but more than rarely and the brother who rises first ALWAYS springs out of bed to immediately rouse the still sleeping brother with an enthusiastic "good morning" everyday as their first order of business. 

They argue in the car, wind each other up, poke, pinch and make faces at each other when I'm not looking, dob incessantly and usually think the OTHER brother is getting a better deal in all areas of life all of the time causing boggin loads of mother guilt for me..... BUT they miss each other all day whilst J is at school, sneak a hug and kiss in when they think nobody is watching and look out for each other wherever we are whatever we do. They love one another and have the special bond of brothers forever.

I am grateful they will always have each other.

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