Monday, April 9, 2012

Autism Gratitude Project 2012 Day 8 (Parts 1 & 2)

Autism Gratitude Project 2012 Day 8 (Part 1) - I am grateful for finding HECIS (Hawkesbury Early Childhood Intervention Service) 4 years ago when I had just an inkling something was "up" with my boy. They started me on a journey of terrifying but liberating discovery and HELP! I've never looked back as I worked out early on hiding Jackson's reality and diagnosis doesn't help him. Embracing it means embracing HIM and then later Hunter too as his reality emerged around a year or so later.

So no secrecy, denial or pretending from us. Our family lives with Autism and we are proud of both boys in all their quirky spectrum glory. Accepting it is what it is so early opened our family up to receive amazing help from services. HECIS was first and I know how to write a social story for any occasion thanks to them, The Sensory Gym was next and I know how to keep my children's nervous systems as regulated as possible which reduces anxiety and risk of sensory overload in any situation. Then came speech therapy, Lifestart, Relationship Development Intervention and a life changing course by Sensory Tools to further help regulation and communication. Along came ABI (Autism Behaviour Intervention) once my boys and I had a firm understanding of their sensory issues.

Once regulated in themselves we used the ABI behaviour philosophy to implement positive behaviour techniques. Understanding how to combine all I've learned along the way was the key. This all brought confidence that allows us participate in nearly any situation sort of "normally." Yep.. I'm grateful I didn't hide away, deny or dwell on autism being a "label." Embracing ASD opened up opportunities to HELP my children and look at how far they have come! I am grateful to every therapist and service who has had a positive impact on our lives. Thanks to YOU we do the "impossible" everyday.
We are off to tackle the Easter Show with our social story, sensory integration strategies and positive behaviour techniques. Go us! xoxo


Autism Gratitude Project 2012 day 8 (Part 2) - On the way out of The Royal Easter Show (Sydney) that our family attempted today armed with an autism arsenal of tricks and strategies, I asked, "Did you have a wonderful day boys?"

J full of bouncing exuberance:  "I HAD AN AMAZINGLY AWESOME DAY MUMMY!"

H in usual understated fashion: "It was vewy vewy cool Marm. But what was YOUR sort of day dat you had at the show Marm and Daddy?"

I answered, "I had a happy happy day with you boys."

Andrew answered, "I had a FANTASTIC day."

H:  "See. Vewy vewy cool. It was dist vewy vewy cool."

Couldn't agree more. Not one meltdown. Not one tear. Just well behaved and grateful boys who loved it all ending in carrying an exhausted but happy H out nearly asleep (and who is very very heavy these days)!
There was a time last year when I thought family outings were not to be in our future.  I am grateful that our family cheats the odds continually (and always will no matter what) and I never get tired of catching myself in a moment where I realise....  I'm a part of the exact family I dreamed of.   

I'm grateful in absolute abundance today.


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